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Check In Check Out is an evidence-based tier two intervention that decreases chronic low-level behaviors. It leverages all staff to create lasting behavioral change through relationship building. I created this kit using my knowledge as a licensed social worker and years of experience coordinating school-wide Check In Check Out in elementary, middle, and high schools so that you can build a program from the ground up and have it running with no prep!


Everything you need to run this program is included, and it is all customizable and suitable for distance or in-person learning:

  • Google Slides that lay out all logistics and train mentors, including COVID-specific tips
  • Google Slides that inform teachers of their role in the program
  • Cheat sheet for mentors to refer to as they implement the program
  • Student daily progress report (eight versions with interactive online and print options for all ages)
  • Introduction letter to families
  • Guide to reinforcers/rewards
  • Graduation certificate templates (four options with digital and print options)
  • Data collection form
  • Preprogrammed spreadsheet that auto-populates and auto-calculates, making analyzing and reporting data a breeze


Once you name your program, you can easily replace the "Soaring to My Goal" eagle theme (or keep it if that's your mascot too!). The Jamboard interactive daily progress reports include mix-and-match components: an emotions check-in, daily affirmation, reflection, and inspirational virtual "stickers" that you can copy/paste onto a student's daily progress report to encourage them.

PBIS Check In Check Out No-Prep Implementation Kit

  • 20-page Google Slides, 7-page Jamboard, 3-page Google Sheets, 5-page Google Docs, 1 Google Form, 1-page PDF

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